Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

  • These Terms of Service are a binding legal agreement between you and Hihome that govern your use of the websites, applications, and other offerings from Hihome. When used in these Terms, “Hihome,” “we,” “us,” or “our” refers to the Hihome.
  • The Hihome Platform offers an online venue that enables users (User ) to publish, offer, search for, and book services. Users who publish and offer services are “Hosts” and Members who search for, book, or use services are “Guests.” Hosts offer experience , an account to access and use many features of the Hihome Platform, and must keep your account information accurate. 
  • As the provider of the Hihome Platform, Hihome does not own, control, offer or manage any Listings or Host Services. Hihome is not a party to the contracts concluded directly between Hosts and Guests, nor is Hihome a real estate broker or insurer. Hihome is not acting as an agent in any capacity for any Member, except as specified in the Payments Terms of Service (Payment Terms).
  • Hihome is not liable for any damages or injuries, including, without limitation, any failure of performance, errors. Hihome is not liable for any damages or injuries, including - but not limited to - any food problem such as indigestion or food allergy, even in the event of negligence by the host.

    Your agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of use is concluded once you use this site, meaning that you are fully responsible for yourself and those with you in the experience, as the Hihome platform disclaims responsibility in the event of any psychological or organic harm, including sexual harassment. If you do not agree to these Terms and  Conditions, you must stop using the Website

  • We maintain other terms and policies that supplement these Terms like our Privacy Policy, which describes our collection and use of personal data, and our Payments Terms, which govern any payment services provided to Members by the Hihome payment entities (Hihome Payments)

  • If you are a Host, you are responsible for understanding and complying with all laws, rules, regulations and contracts with third parties that apply to your Host Services

  • We have made every effort to reflect as accurately as possible in describing our experiences. We cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information, including pictures of experiences and activities provided during an experiment

  • We do not guarantee that the quality of our services, or any products, services or information will meet your expectations.
  • We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) without notice to you. We will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification or change in the experience, whether suspension or discontinuation of the experience.
  • We undertake no obligation to update, amend or clarify information in the Service, including, without limitation, dates for trial availability. There is no specified update or update date applicable to the Service, or this information has been modified or updated.

2. Rules

You must follow these rules and must not help or induce others to break or circumvent these rules.

  • Act with integrity and treat others with respect.
  • Do not lie, misrepresent something or someone, or pretend to be someone else.
  • Be polite and respectful when you communicate or interact with others.
  • Follow our Nondiscrimination Policy and do not discriminate against or harass others.
  • Only use the Hihome Platform as authorized by these Terms or another agreement with us.
  • You may only use another Member’s personal information as necessary to facilitate a transaction using the Hihome Platform as authorized by these Terms.
  • Do not use the Hihome Platform, our messaging tools, or -Members’ personal information to send commercial messages without the recipient’s express consent.
  • You may use Content made available through the Hihome Platform solely as necessary to enable your use of the Hihome Platform as a Guest or Host.
  • Do not use Content unless you have permission from the Content owner or the use is authorized by us in these Terms or another agreement you have with us.
  • follow the Saudi Ministry of health in protecting yourself and others during the experience from Covid.
  • Honor your legal obligations.
  • Understand and follow the laws that apply to you, including privacy, data protection, and export laws.
  • If you provide us with someone else’s personal information, you:

(1) must do so in compliance with applicable law, (2) must be authorized to do so, and

(3) authorize us to process that information under our Privacy Policy.

  • Read and follow our Terms, Policies and Standards.
  • Do not organize or facilitate unauthorized parties or events. You are responsible and liable for any party or event during your reservation that violates our rules for parties and events, as incorporated by reference herein.
  • Do not use the name, logo, branding, or trademarks of Hihome or others without permission.
  • Do not use or register any domain name, social media handle, trade name, trademark, branding, logo, or other source identifier that may be confused with Hihome branding.
  • Do not offer Host Services that violate the laws or agreements that apply to you.
  • Do not offer or solicit prostitution or participate in or facilitate human trafficking.


3. Things are not allowed

Things we don't allow to do or take about it:

  • lnsult and ridicule others, children ,the sick people with special needs.
  • All forms of sexual of all nationalities , personal relationships or sexual preferences.

4. Hihome Hosts

  • Host as a Host, Hihome offers you the opportunity to share your Experience, or other Host Service with our vibrant community of Guests - and earn money doing it. It’s easy to create a Listing and you are in control of how you host - set your price, availability, and rules for each Listing.
  • Contracting with Guests. When you accept a booking request, or receive a booking confirmation through the Hihome  Platform, you are entering into a contract directly with the Guest, and are responsible for delivering your Host Service under the terms and at the price specified in your experience. Any terms, policies or conditions that you include in any supplemental contract with Guests must:

(1) be consistent with these Terms, our Policies, and the information provided in your Listing, and (2) be prominently disclosed in your Listing description.

  • Independence of Hosts. Your relationship with Hihome is that of an independent individual or entity and not an employee, agent, joint venturer, or partner of Hihome, except that Hihome Payments acts as a payment collection agent as described in the Payments Terms. Hihome does not direct or control your Host Service, and you agree that you have complete discretion whether and when to provide Host Services, and at what price and on what terms to offer them.
  •  Hosts may not organize an event if on self-quarantine, or suffering from any transmissible or infectious disease or illness, or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, (or related illness).They need to comply with the local Covid -19 test regulation.


  1.  Hosts must ensure that all areas which may be visited by guests are adequately disinfected before any Hihom event .
  2. Hosts must follow MOH guidelines for handwashing; including washing hands before, during, and after preparing or serving food.
  3.  Handwashing facilities including soap and water must be available for guests to use throughout the event.
  4. Hand sanitizers offering effective protection against COVID-19 must be made available for guests attending the event; including entrances and contact areas.
  5. Hosts are required to wear appropriate facial covering and take other necessary precautions when preparing and serving food.
  6. Hosts must follow local guidelines on wearing facial covering during their Hihome events.

  7. Single-use napkins/ towels should be available in restrooms and handwashing areas throughout each event.  Non-disposable or multi-use napkins and towels should not be used.

  8. Single-use napkins/ serviettes are recommended at the dinner table.

  9.  Hosts are recommended to leave windows open for circulation.

  10. Hosts are recommended to host in outdoor spaces, if available.

  11. Event size limitations set by local authorities must be followed.

  12. in Case Governments have instituted new spacing limitations on gatherings applicable for public events. Hosts must follow all guidelines set by your local authorities as they are implemented and updated and must offer attendees the opportunity in advance to request special spacing or other provisions (which may be declined before the event, but if not declined will be adhered to).

  13. Shared condiments may be used only as needed and subject to thorough sanitization before and after use. Wherever possible alternative arrangements to avoid the risk of contamination between people should be made.

  • Authorized COVID-19 vaccines can help protect you and the others from COVID-19, to learn more about COVID-19 please see here.  


5. Hihome Guests

  •  Guests may not attend an event if on self-quarantine, or suffering from any transmissible or infectious disease or illness, or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 (or related illness). They need to comply with the local Covid -19 test regulation.
  • Guests may only visit areas which the Host has indicated are intended to be visited.
  • Guests must follow MOH guidelines for handwashing and use the handwashing facilities provided.
  • Your Responsibilities. You are responsible and liable for your own acts and omissions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of anyone you invite to join or provide access to any Accommodation, Experience or other Host Service. For example, this means:
  1. you are responsible for leaving an Accommodation (and related personal property) in the condition it was in when you arrived.
  2. you must act with integrity, treat others with respect and comply with applicable laws at all times. If you are booking for an additional guest who is a minor or if you bring a minor to a Host Service, you must be legally authorized to act on behalf of the minor and you are solely responsible for the supervision of that minor.
  3. If you have any type of food allergy, you must inform the host when you book his experience.
  • Your Assumption of Risk: 
  1. ​​​​​​​You acknowledge that many activities carry inherent risks and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you assume the entire risk arising out of your access to and use of the Hihome Platform , including your  participation in any Experience, use of any other Host Service, or any other interaction you have with other Members whether in person or online. This means it is your responsibility to investigate a Host Service to determine whether it is suitable for you. For example, Host Services may carry risk of illness, bodily injury, disability, or death, and you freely and willfully assume those risks by choosing to participate in those Host Services.
  2. Where required in order to comply with the Protection Guidelines, guests should wear appropriate facial coverage.
  3. Guests should cooperate with the Host in taking appropriate action to comply with these guidelines and the Protection Guidelines.
  4.  Guests accept that they are responsible for their own conduct.
  5.  Guests understand that attending events has associated risks and whilst reasonable efforts may be expected to be made to reduce those risks they cannot be eliminated. Guests waive any right to claim for any infection contracted whilst attending an event (except to the extent that the infection is contracted as a result of the gross negligence of the Host).
  6. Authorized COVID-19 vaccines can help protect you and the others from COVID-19, we strongly suggest that you keep yourself, learn more about COVID-19 please see here.
  • ​​​​​​​Your obligation to leave your Host once the invitation and food experience are finished,Under no circumstances shall we be held responsible in the event that you do not respect this obligation. You agree to take personal responsibility in the event of a claim by a third party or by your Host in the event that you do not respect this obligation. You also guarantee us against any claim by a third party or by your Host in this respect.
  • Respect for neighbors and other members of your Host’s household,You agree to respect your Host’s neighbors and not to behave in such a way that may cause any nuisance, particularly noise, to be suffered by neighbors in the course of a Hihome Invitation. Under no circumstances shall we be held responsible in the event that you do not respect this obligation. You agree to take personal responsibility in the event of a claim by a third party in the event that you do not respect this obligation. You also guarantee us against any claim by a third party in this respect.

6. Payment Terms

  • These Payments Terms of Service for Users (Payments Terms) are a binding legal agreement between you and Hihome Payments that govern the Payment Services (defined below) conducted through or in connection with the Hihome Platform. When these Payments Terms mention “Hihome Payments,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to the Hihome Payments company you are contracting with for Payment Services.
  • Hihome Payments provides payments services to Memb ers publishing, offering and booking Accommodations, Experiences or other Host Services, and other current and future services provided via the Hihome Platform. These payment services may include (if available) the following (collectively, Payment Services):
  • Collecting payments from Guests , by charging the payment method associated with their Hihome account, such as credit card,  bank account or PayPal account (Payment Method)
  • Your Payment Method, Your Responsibility. Hihome Payments is not responsible for any loss suffered by you as a result of incorrect Payment Method information provided by you.

  • Booking Request Status: If a requested booking is declined either because it is not accepted by the host or the guests had cancel the booking request before it is accepted by the host, any amounts collected by Hihome Payments will be refunded to you.

1- If the booking had been canceled by the host, the full amount will be paid to the guest.

2- If the booking had been canceled by the guest at least 48 hours before the experience, the full amount will be refunded.

3-  If the booking had been canceled by the guest less than 48 hours before the experience, half of the amount will be returned to the guest.

  • Payment Service Providers. Payment Methods may involve the use of third-party payment service providers. These payment service providers may charge you additional fees when processing payments in connection with the Payment Services, and Hihome Payments is not responsible for any such fees and disclaims all liability in this regard. Your Payment Method may also be subject to additional terms of use. Please review them before using your Payment Method.
  • The timing to receive the refund or for the pre-authorization to be released will vary based on the Payment Method and any applicable payment system (e.g., Visa, MasterCard, etc.) rules.
  • Adding a Payment Method. When you add a Payment Method to your Hihome account, you will be asked to provide billing information such as name, billing address, and financial instrument information either to Hihome Payments or its third-party payment processor(s). You authorize Hihome Payments and its payment service providers to collect your Payment Method information.
  • Payment Method Verification. When you add or use a new Payment Method, Hihome Payments may verify the Payment Method by :

1- Authorizing your Payment Method for one or two nominal amounts via a payment service provider, and asking you to confirm those amounts. 

2- require you to upload a billing statement.

  • We may, and retain the right to, initiate refunds of these amounts from your Payment Method. When you add a Payment Method during checkout, we will automatically save and add that Payment Method to your Hihome account so it can be used for a future transaction. You can remove the Payment Method from your Hihome account as long as it is not associated with an active or future reservation.
  • Payment Authorization. You allow Hihome Payments to charge your Payment Method (including charging more than one payment method), either directly or indirectly, for all fees due (including any applicable taxes) in connection with your Hihome account.
  • Automatic Update of Payment Method. If your Payment Method’s account information changes (e.g., account number, routing number, expiration date) as a result of re-issuance or otherwise, we may acquire that information from our financial services partners or your bank and automatically update your Payment Method on file.
  • All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties.
  • Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Saudi Arabia. 
  • Saudi Arabia is our country of domicile.
  • We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in SAR. 





7. Privacy

  • Hihome is committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected from being disclosed or accessed by any unauthorized party, and we have put in place many necessary measures to protect and secure your private information that is collected on Hihome.
  • Information We Collect in Hihome:
  1. Data that you provide to us for the purpose of registration or order completion, such as name, phone number, e-mail, address and other data.
  2. Some financial information such as payment method.
  3. The IP address of the site visitors.
  • ​​​​​​​We may disclose some of this information to a third party, such as the name and address of the shipping company. We may contact you on your phone number or e-mail to inform you of any update regarding the status of your request, to answer your questions, help, or to obtain your comments and suggestions regarding Attar.
  • Access to your data:

​​​​​​​You have the right to access your data that you have provided to Hihome. You also have the right to modify and delete this data if it is incorrect.

  • Credit Card Information:

​​​​​​​We do not store any credit card data at all. All credit card data is encrypted before being sent to an authorized payment intermediary in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Links to other sites:

​​​​​​​Any links from third-party supervised sites pointing to Attar do not represent Hihome in any way and Hihome is not responsible for any information that those sites may hold about you. Any links contained in Hihome refer to other sites under the supervision of a third party. We want to inform you that Hihome is not responsible for protecting the privacy of your data that you may provide during your visit to those sites that are under the supervision of a third party, and these sites are not subject to this Privacy Policy.

  • The changes:

​​​​​​​Attar Store reserves the right with all reservations to modify, delete or add any part of or to this policy.

8. Registration

  • Unregistered visitors may view the Hihome Websites.Only registered users may post content on the Hihome Websites and issue or accept Hihome Invitations.Registered users are identified on the Hihome Website by their first name and registered city and country.Hihome may rank or rate registered users.As a user you represent to Hihome that you will only use the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services for lawful purposes and where it is lawful to so use them.
  • You acknowledge and agree that, by accessing or using the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services or by downloading or posting any content to or from the Hihome Websites you are indicating that you have read, and that you understand and agree to be bound by these T&Cs. If you accept or agree to these T&Cs on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that company or other legal entity to these T&Cs and, in such event, “you” and “your” will refer and apply to that company or other legal entity.
  • By registering with Hihome you agree to adhere to (1) public policies published by Hihome on the Hihome Websites (such as the privacy policy), and (2) the “Guest’s Charter” in respect of any Hihome Invitations that you accept, and (3) the “Host’s Charter” in respect of any Hihome Invitations you issue.You may cancel your registration at any time by following the instructions on the Hihome Websites.If you cancel your registration we shall delete all personally identifiable information to the extent required to comply with applicable laws. You accept that we may terminate any user’s registration at any time.
  • Registration and access to the Hihome Services are intended solely for persons who are 18 or older. Any access or use of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services by anyone under 18 is expressly prohibited. By using the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services you represent and warrant that you are aged 18 years or older.  
  • 2.5 You agree to complete the registration process honestly and as completely as you are able, and to keep the registration and other information about you accurate and up-to-date.You may maintain only one registration with Hihome, and may not register as a Hihome user on behalf of an individual other than yourself.Your registration with Hihome is personal to you and may not be sold or transferred without Hihome’s prior written agreement.You agree never to disclose your login details or password (except for the purpose of your logging  in to the Hihome Websites yourself

  • By registering as a user with Hihome you agree that Hihome may request consumer, credit rating and similar reports on you.If Hihome requests any such report, it will request and use it in compliance with applicable law.

  • If you link your registration with an accepted third-party social networking site or service you represent that you are lawfully able to do so and that such linking complies with all terms you and the third party have agreed and will not result in Hihome incurring any obligations or liabilities.

  • You will need to agree to our payment provider’s terms and conditions when you register to make or receive payments.


9. Our content and your use of the Hihome Website

  • Apart from the content generated by registered users, all the elements that make up the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services (including, without limiting the generality of this provision, its content, graphics, applications, software, functions and other features) belong to Hihome (or the person from whom Hihome licenses it).You agree that you have no entitlement to any part of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services otherwise than to view content and use the communications facilities in connection with arranging and promoting Hosted Events and issuing, accepting and paying for Hihome Invitations in accordance, in each case, with these T&Cs.You agree that you are not permitted to reproduce, distribute, emulate, publish or imitate any part of the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services without Hihome’s prior written agreement.
  • In using the Hihome Website and Hihome Services you agree that you will not:
  1. Circumvent Hihome’s legitimate commercial interests by participating in a transaction related to a Hosted Event independent of the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services or take any action (other than publish genuine reviews) to dilute, tarnish or otherwise harm the Hihome brand in any way.
  2. Use any part of the Hihome Website or Hihome Services for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by these T&Cs or in a manner that falsely implies Hihome endorsement, partnership or otherwise. 
  3. misleads others as to your affiliation with Hihome or any of its users or partners.
  4. Use manual or automated software, devices, scripts, robots, backdoors or other means or processes to (i) access, “scrape,” “crawl” or “spider” any web pages or other services contained in the Hihome Website and Hihome Services, or (ii) collect information from or otherwise interact with Hihome Website or Hihome Services, or (iii) systematically retrieve data or other content from any of the Hihome Websites to create or compile, directly or indirectly, in single or multiple downloads, a compilation, database, directory or similar or analogous collection of information, or (iv) access, tamper with, or use non-public areas of any of the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services or the technical delivery systems of Hihome’s partners, or (v) attempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any part of any of the Hihome Websites or Hihome’s Services or Hihome’s security or authentication measures, or (vi) damage, disable, overload or alter any part of the Hihome Website or any other website, application or electronic communication, or (vii) broadcast any element containing computer viruses or any code, file, or computer program designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the software, features, IT or telecommunication equipment.
  5. Access or use any of the Hihome Website or Hihome Services (i) to use, expose, or allow to be used or exposed, any content that is not publicly displayed by Hihome in its search results pages or listing pages before a Hihome Invitation is accepted; or (ii) in any way that is inconsistent with these T&Cs or any privacy or other policy publicly adopted by Hihome; or (iii) in any way that violates the privacy or any other rights of any other of Hihome’s users or any other third party.
  6. Register and/or use any intellectual property of Hihome (or persons from which it licences intellectual property) or in the name “Hihome” or its logo (or derivative terms or terms that are confusingly similar) whether in any domain names, trade names, trademarks or other source identifiers, trademarks, taglines, promotional campaigns or otherwise or infringe the rights of Hihome or the rights of any other person or entity (including, without limiting the generality of this provision, any intellectual property, privacy, publicity or contractual rights).
  7. Copy, store or otherwise access or use any information contained on any of the Hihome Websites for purposes not expressly permitted by these T&Cs or use, display, mirror or frame the any of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services, or any individual element within the any of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services, Hihome’s name, any Hihome trademark, logo or other proprietary information, or the layout and design of any page or form contained on a page in the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services, without Hihome’s express written consent.
  8. Interfere with or damage any of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services (including, without limiting the generality of this provision, by the use of viruses, cancel bots, Trojan horses, harmful code, flood pings, denial-of-service attacks, backdoors, packet or IP spoofing, forged routing or electronic mail address information or similar methods or technology) or in connection with the distribution of unsolicited emails or advertisements (other than Hihome Invitations).
  9. Stalk” or harass any other user of any of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services, or collect or store any personally identifiable information about any other user (other than for purposes of transacting as a Guest or Host).
  10. Contact any Hihome user otherwise than about a Hihome Invitation.
  11. Recruit or otherwise solicit any Hihome user to join a third-party service or website whether or not it is competitive to Hihome, without Hihome’s prior written approval.
  12. Avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, scramble, descramble, or otherwise circumvent any technological measure implemented by Hihome or any of Hihome’s providers or any other third party (including another user) to protect any part of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services, forge any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email or newsgroup posting, or in any way use any part of any of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services to send altered, deceptive or false source-identifying information or attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the any part of any of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services. 
  13. Advocate, encourage, or assist any third party in doing any of the foregoing.
  • You agree not to remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the Hihome Websites, Hihome Services and ancillary documentation. You also agree not to use, copy, adapt, modify, prepare derivative works based upon, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, broadcast or otherwise exploit the Hihome Website or Hihome Services except as expressly permitted in these T&Cs. No licenses or rights are granted to you by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property rights owned or controlled by Hihome or its licensors, except for the licenses and rights expressly granted in these T&Cs.

10. Your Content

  • Registered users may post content on the Hihome Websites. Anything that you post (or otherwise cause to be visible) on a Hihome Website is deemed for the purposes of these T&Cs to be content published by you (“Your Content”).Hihome’s policy is not to edit or moderate Your Content unless required to do so to ensure compliance with these T&Cs or with your prior consent.You agree that if you have linked your Hihome registration with any third-party service, the services may exchange information and you shall be deemed to have published any information made available by the third-party service as a result of the accounts being linked.
  • You are responsible for all Your Content. By registering to use the Hihome Websites you agree that:
  1. Any representation that you publish is true. 
  2. You shall not use the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services to offer products or services other than Hihome experience. 
  3. You shall not post, upload, publish, submit or transmit anything that: (i) infringes, misappropriates or violates a third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, moral rights or other intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy or rights to an image; or (ii) violates, or encourages any conduct that would violate, any applicable law or regulation or would give rise to civil or criminal liability or might be expected to incite any anti-social behaviour; or (iii) is fraudulent, false, misleading (directly or by omission or failure to update information) or deceptive; or (iv) is defamatory, abusive, threatening, harassing or obscene, pornographic, vulgar or may otherwise be found to be offensive by a reasonable person; or (v) is discriminatory, prejudicially intolerant, racist, hate inspired, harassing or harmful toward any individual or group, anti-Semitic, paedophilic, inciting violence, racial or ethnic hatred, illegal or that is in any other way reprehensible; or (vi) is violent or threatening or promotes violence or actions that are threatening to any person or group; or (vii) promotes illegal or harmful activities or substances; or (viii) condones or promotes any of the things listed in (i) to (vii). 

  4. None of Your Content shall include any images which you do not own or which include or depict any identifiable person who has not consented to the use of the image (and, in the case of images taken at a Hosted Event, in respect of which the relevant Host has consented to you publishing). 

  5. You shall not use the Hihome Website or Hihome Services to (i) transmit, distribute, post or submit any information concerning any other person or entity (including, without limiting the generality of this provision, photographs, contact or sensitive information or credit, debit, banking or other account numbers) without the relevant person’s prior permission; or (ii) impersonate any person or entity, or falsify or otherwise misrepresent yourself or your affiliation with any person or entity. 

  6. All Your Content may be made public and associated with you, 

  7. Hihome is under no obligation to store and/or to publish Your Content (and Hihome may at any time and without prior notice delete Your Content from any part of the Hihome Website).

  8. Although you remain the owner of (and responsible for) Your Content, nothing in any relationship between you and Hihome operates to transfer any intellectual property rights to you.

  9. You grant (or shall procure the grant) to Hihome of a worldwide, non- exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free license to use all content (and all related intellectual property) in any content made available by you on the Hihome Website. 

  10. Hihome may edit, reproduce (in whole or in part), translate, link to and from, group and otherwise deal with Your Content (or elements of it) as it deems appropriate. 

  11. Hihome may use and exploit Your Content (and information that Hihome learns about you) to communicate with you, target advertising to you and develop, implement and refine marketing campaigns and to promote Hihome’s Services generally. 

  12. You shall not advocate, encourage, or assist any third party in doing any of the foregoing.

  • You agree that any profile photograph that you upload is an honest representation of you and does not infringe any intellectual property rights belonging to a third party and that you expressly authorize Hihome to use your image.
  • By accepting these T&Cs you grant Hihome a worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual (or for the term of the protection), non-exclusive, transferable, royalty- free license, with the right to sublicense, to use, view, copy, adapt, translate, modify, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, stream, broadcast, access, view, and otherwise exploit Your Content (which may include publishing it on, through, by means of the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services and may also include promoting or marketing the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services). Hihome does not claim any ownership rights in Your Content and nothing in these T&Cs will be deemed to restrict any rights that you may have to use and exploit Your Content.
  • Notwithstanding the licences granted to Hihome pursuant to clauses 4.2.8 and 4.3, Hihome shall use reasonable endeavours to remove such of Your Content as you request us to remove from our current Hihome Websites (the request to be made through your registered account and confirmed in a recorded delivery letter with signed proof of receipt including sufficient details for us to identify you and the relevant part of Your Content that you request is removed from the Hihome Websites).
  • The Hihome Websites and Hihome Services may provide links or referrals to other websites, services, publications or applications. Hihome makes and gives no representation, endorsement, guarantee or confirmation as to the reliability of any such website, service publication or application and by agreeing to these T&Cs you agree that you shall not rely on Hihome when assessing or using them and that Hihome shall under no circumstance be responsible to you for any failure of any websites, services, publications or applications for which it is not responsible.Hihome assumes no responsibility for the content of websites linked on our site.Hihome will not be liable for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.In this context you confirm that Hihome is not responsible for the actions or failures of its payment providers.
  • You agree and consent that Hihome may (but is not obliged to) employ translators and copy editors (and may apply automated translation and copy editing services) to Your Content to change the style or language used by you.Except to the extent that anything done by Hihome create an obligation or liability which would not otherwise have arisen, you agree that these processes shall not diminish any responsibility or liability you have for Your Content (and that you shall hold Hihome harmless from any loss it may suffer as a result of hosting or otherwise dealing with Your Content).

11. Data

  1. By accepting these T&Cs you agree that Hihome may collate and analyse data resulting from your use of the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services and may use and sell the resulting information.
  2. Hihome will use reasonable endeavors to ensure that unless you agree to the contrary your personal information will not be disclosed to third parties except to the extent required to undertake reasonable verification, necessary to provide the Hihome Services or to operate the Hihome Website or as permitted by clause 3.
  3. You expressly grant us permission, without further notice, to store, transfer and disclose data and other information relating to you or to your transactions, including, but not limited to, personally identifiable information to any relevant tax or other governmental or competent regulatory or law enforcement authority or agency that claims to be entitled to such information.
  4. To the extent required by applicable law, Hihome shall on request of the relevant registered user delete all information that is personal to that registered user. Hihome may however (subject to applicable laws) retain data that may have been obtained by previous interactions with Hihome provided that that data cannot be linked to any individual person.
  5. Hihome reserves the right to market the results of this automatic data handling.
  6. You agree not to do anything to create a false impression that you are endorsed by, partnering with, or acting on behalf of or for the benefit of Hihome, including by inappropriately using any Hihome intellectual property.

12. Financial arrangements

  • When issuing Hihome Invitations Hosts state the fees that they will charge each Guest, these fees are quoted inclusive of all sales and analogous or other taxes (the “Host’s Charges”).Hihome arranges a service for these fees to be collected and held in a third-party trust account on terms that the funds will be paid in accordance with these T&Cs (arranging this collection and holding service constitutes a part of the Hihome Services).Hihome may charge Guests a fee for the use of the Hihome Services (the “Hihome Fees”).Acceptance of a Hihome Invitation constitutes agreement to pay the Host’s Charges and any Hihome Fees (the “Transaction Fees”).The total amount of the Transaction Fees is the amount payable by the Guest in respect of each Hihome Invitation at the time that the Guest accepts the Hihome Invitation.

  • Where applicable, the Hihome Fees are calculated as a variable percentage of the Host’s Charges.Any Hihome Fees are payable by the Guests at the same time as payment of the Host’s Charges.To the extent that the Hihome Fees are subject to sales taxes, such as VAT, these taxes will be included in the total amount payable by the Guest in respect of the Transaction Fees. Where Hihome charges Hihome Fees it shall on request provide an invoice in respect of those Hihome Fees, separately identifying any sales taxes charged by Hihome.

  • Hosts agree and acknowledge that they are responsible for discharging all of their own tax obligations (including sales taxes including, but not limited to, VAT) whether these are imposed on a state, local or other level. Hihome assumes no obligations whatsoever in this regard. In particular, Hihome assumes no responsibility (actual or deemed) to notify or explain to Hosts, or to enquire into, the VAT or sales taxes treatment of any Hosts or Hosted Events.

  • If Hihome so requires for the purposes of its dealings with any tax or regulatory authority, Hosts and Guests shall provide to Hihome, promptly on request, any information, data, documentation and/or copies of communications (whether in electronic format or otherwise) which relate to Hosted Events in which they have participated. Hosts shall, promptly on request, provide to Hihome all reasonable assistance in any discussion or dispute with any tax authority with respect to the VAT or sales tax treatment of Hosted Events in which those Hosts have participated.Each Host agrees to indemnify Hihome for any VAT or similar sales tax obligations which Hihome is required to pay and which arise wholly from Hosted Events hosted by that Host.

  • You may only make payments in respect of Hihome Invitations through the payment processing facilities provided on the Hihome Websites, by special arrangement with Hihome through its direct booking services or of through a third-party agency that is authorised by Hihome to provide those parts of the Hihome Services relating to processing payments.Please check with Hihome to ensure that any third-party with whom you are dealing is properly authorised by Hihome.If the Hihome Invitation is transacted through an authorised third-party you may not be required to pay any Hihome Fees, but the authorised third-party agent may instead charge an administration fee.

  • You agree that the sole and exclusive role and responsibility of Hihome (and any of its authorised third-party agents) in providing Hihome Services relating to processing payments is to arrange the collection of payments from Guests and for the payment of the amounts collected in accordance with these T&Cs (and you agree that they have no other or further liability to you in respect of any payment made).

  • Payments are made by Guests through selected payment providers.The terms on which the payment providers hold funds are stated in their terms.Hihome may receive amounts due to Hosts from payment providers, where it does so such funds will be held in a bank account until they are transferred to the Host (or, where appropriate, reimbursed to the Guest).

  • Hihome may “round off” numbers to the nearest functional base unit in the relevant currency.Hihome uses commercial currency exchange operators and registered users accept the risks in fluctuations in currency exchange rates. 

13. Insurance, disputes, resolution and refunds

  • Guests may need to cancel a Hihome Invitation that they have previously accepted, in such cases please contact Hihome at [email protected]. Guests shall qualify for a full refund of the Host’s Charges if (a) the Guest notifies Hihome and the Host of cancellation during usual business hours in Riyadh (being 9am to 5pm on weekdays other than public holidays) at least 48 hours before the date on which the relevant Hosted Event is due, or (b) if the Host cancels the Hosted Event for any reason.
  • We hope all Guests enjoy every Hosted Event, however sometimes things go wrong and if a Guest believes that the Host failed to fulfil an essential obligation of the Hosted Event then the Guest may until midnight on the day following the date on which the relevant Hosted Event was scheduled to take place request that the whole or a part of the payment is refunded by sending an email to [email protected] specifying the Hosted Event reference, identifying the Host, specifying the amount of the Transaction Fees, saying how much the Guest wishes to be reimbursed and giving as much information as possible in relation to the problem/ relevant failures/ reasons for believing that payment should be refunded.
  • If you have a dispute relating to a Hosted Event, we encourage you (although this is not compulsory) to contact our claims department in order to try to resolve the dispute amicably. Our claims service can be contacted: 
  • By email at the following address: [email protected]
  • By telephone on:+966507368814
  • By post at Hihome company (addres)
  • It is important that if, as a Guest, you are not satisfied with a Hosted Event you notify Hihome before midnight on the day following the date on which the relevant Hosted Event was scheduled to take place.Once Hihome has released funds to the Host, it is unable to offer Guests any remedy.
  • Following receipt of a refund request Hihome may direct that an amount up to the entire value of the Transaction Fees paid by the Guest (less payment transaction costs and any third-party agency fees that Hihome is not entitled to recover) is refunded to the Guest.If, however, Hihome believes that the complaint is without merit, of limited merit or that Hihome is not able to assess the merit of the complaint, then Hihome may direct that the whole or any part of the Transaction Fees are paid to the Host and/ or that the balance (if any) is withheld pending resolution of the dispute between the relevant Host and the Guest.If no such resolution has been reached within six months, Hihome may direct that 50% of the disputed element of the Host’s Charges is paid to the Host and that 50% of the disputed element of the Host’s Charges is paid to the Guest (and the Hihome Fees shall be paid to Hihome) or may make such other arrangements as then appear appropriate to it (which may include making payment as directed by a Court of competent jurisdiction).Hihome shall have no further or other liability or responsibility to the Host and Guest in respect of any such claim to be refunded.You agree to abide by decisions made by Hihome (even if the decision appears perverse to .you)

  • Hihome agrees to use reasonable endeavours to assess merits of claims and to act in good faith toward Guests and Hosts, however you agree that it has no responsibility or liability to you for any assessment it makes in relation to the merits of any claim between Guests and Hosts or any direction it gives as to the payments to be made to Guests or Hosts in accordance with this clause 8 and you also agree that Hihome may make or decline refunds and payments pursuant to these T&Cs and that if and to the extent it does so it shall have no further liability or obligation to you or the Host or Guest.

  • Hihome will endeavour to make refunds to Guests through the same payment facility through which the payment was originally made. Where it is not possible to make such a refund, it will may require other verification before the refund can be processed.The Guest agrees to bear the cost of currency exchanges and risks in fluctuations in currency exchange rates.

  • By accepting these T&Cs you agree that if Hihome has followed the processes mentioned above in good faith it shall have no further or other liability or obligation to you.

  • Hihome has no responsibility or liability in respect of any failing by a payment processor or authorised agent.

  • The Hihome platform serves as a trusted intermediary between Hosts and Guests and maintains itself through the service fee included in each Guests' booking. In the case that a Host or Guest offers payment alternatives outside of the platform, Hihome is no longer responsible and reserves the right to disable the Host's Hihome account.



14. Exclusions and limitations to Hihome’s responsibility and liability

  • You agree by issuing or accepting a Hihome Invitation you do not create any relationship with Hihome save as expressly provided in these T&Cs. Hihome does not control, and has no right to control, your Hihome Invitation, your offline activities associated with your Hihome Invitation, or any other matters related to any Hihome Invitation that you publish.
  •  Registered users are required by these T&Cs to provide accurate information about yourself and only to post reliable and accurate content to the Hihome Websites and not, when using the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services, to make any factually incorrect, fraudulent or misleading statements or representations.By accepting these T&Cs you agree that Hihome, its payment providers and/or other partners may request identity verification from you (and you agree to comply with such requests as are reasonable made) and may use other information or resources available to them to verify your identity, to undertake regulatory checks and to help limit improper use of the Hihome Websites, Hihome Services and other services provided by the payment providers and other partners.Hihome does not, however, undertake any obligation to you to undertake any such checks and you agree that Hihome does not represent, endorse, guarantee or confirm the identity of any user or the accuracy of any content or representation made by any user or otherwise received from (or communicated in connection with or as a result of) any of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services (and by agreeing to these T&Cs you irrevocably agree that except to the extent otherwise expressly agreed by Hihome you waive any entitlement to claim reliance on any such representation, endorsement, guarantee or confirmation).

  • To the extent permitted by law, Hihome excludes all conditions, warranties, representations or other terms which may apply to the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services or any content on them, whether express or implied. Hihome will not be liable to any user for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if foreseeable, arising under or in connection with:
  1. Use of, or inability to use, any of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services.
  2. Use of or reliance on any content displayed on any of the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services.
  • Subject as provided in clause 8.3, Hihome will not be liable for: 
  1. Loss of profits, sales, business, or revenue.
  2. Business interruption.
  3. Loss of anticipated savings.
  4. Loss of business opportunity, goodwill or reputation, or Any indirect or consequential loss or damage. 
  • Hihome will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a virus, distributed denial-of-service attack, or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of our site or to your downloading of any content on it, or on any website linked to it.
  • By using the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services, you agree that (subject as provided in clause 8.3) any legal remedy or liability that you seek to obtain for actions or omissions of other users of the Hihome Websites and Hihome Services or other third parties will be limited to a claim against the individual or other third party who caused you harm.You agree not to attempt to impose liability on or seek any legal remedy from Hihome with respect to such actions or omissions.
  • You agree that to the maximum extent permitted by law Hihome has no liability or responsibility to you in respect of any general or specific failure, suspension or interruption in any services offered by any of the Hihome Websites or error or omission in information or processing provided on or by the Hihome Websites or loss of information provided to the Hihome Websites.
  • Nothing in these terms of use excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by Saudi Arabian law , Save to the extent that liability may not be excluded by law. 
  •  Hihome has no liability save to the extent admitted by clauses 9.8, 9.9.2 and 9.9.3
  • Hihome’s liability to the Host is limited to the amount collected by Hihome as agent of the Host in respect of the Hosted Event to which the relevant claim relates and not paid to the Host (or, where appropriate, refunded to the Guest) in accordance with these T&Cs and any amount recovered under the insurance policy referred to in clause 8.3.
  • Hihome’s liability to the Guest is limited to the commission paid to it by the Guest in respect of the Hosted Event to which the relevant claim relates and any amount recovered under the insurance policy referred to in clause 8.3.
  • You agree and confirm that if you choose to use any of the Hihome Websites or the Hihome Services to enter any arrangement with another person (whether in your capacity as a Guest or as a Host) you should enter an agreement with that other person (that agreement may be or comprise the terms and conditions on which the Hihome Invitation is offered and accepted).You agree to adhere to the terms of any such agreement.You acknowledge and agree that you, and not Hihome, are responsible for ensuring that each counter-party to any such agreement complies with the terms of that agreement and satisfies any obligations the counter-party has to you.By agreeing to these T&Cs you also agree that Hihome is not a party to any agreement between you and any other person (whether as Guests, Hosts, agents or in any other capacity) and that (except to the extent that Hihome or any of its agents agrees on and subject to the terms of clause 7 and the other provisions of these T&Cs and as part of the Hihome Services to arrange the collection, holding and payment of Transaction Fees as part of the Hihome Services) Hihome has no liability to you or any other person arising from or related to any agreements between Guests and Hosts.
  • 9.11Subject to the provisions of clause 9, you agree that none of Hihome, its directors, employees, agents or other representatives is liable to you for any damage, whether direct or indirect, resulting from use of the Hihome Websites or the Hihome Services even if Hihome has knowledge or has been informed of the likelihood of the occurrence of such damage.

15. Cancellation and suspension

  • You may terminate your registration at any time by sending us an email from your registered email to [email protected]
  • Hihome may terminate or suspend your registration for convenience at any time by giving you notice via email to your registered email address. 
  • If your Hihome registration is cancelled all Hosted Events in respect of which you had issued Hihome Invitation will be automatically cancelled and all Hosted Events in respect of which you had accepted a Hihome Invitation will also be automatically cancelled.Depending on the applicable cancelation policy, an appropriate refund may be issued. 

16. Miscellaneous

  • You declare and guarantee to Hihome that you are a person over 18 years of age and/or having the legal capacity to enter into a contract.
  • Some portions of the Hihome platform implement Google Maps/Earth mapping services, including Google Maps API(s). Your use of Google Maps/Earth is subject to Google’s terms of use.

  • If you become aware of any content on any of the Hihome Websites that you suspect has been posted in breach of these T&Cs please notify us by email

    at [email protected] will be helpful if you are able to include (a) details of the content concerned, (b) information to enable us to locate the content in question on the Hihome Website, (c) your contact information (full name, postal address, telephone number, email address and, where applicable, the name of the body on whose behalf you are contacting us, its postal address, its registration number), (d) a statement, where applicable, that you are the owner of intellectual property rights or rights to an image or to the person concerned or authorized to act in the name of the owner

  • You acknowledge and agree that Hihome may store personal and other information about you on your electronic devices in the form of “cookies” and other programs and devices. The use of these solely concerns the functioning of the Hihome Website. You acknowledge and agree that if you do not allow or limit the placing of cookies on your devices, this ban or restriction may have an adverse effect on your use of the Hihome Websites.You acknowledge and agree that Hihome may also store your personal information on computers and servers in Saudi Arabia and beyond its borders. By using the Hihome Website, you acknowledge and agree that Hihome may, at its sole discretion store or divulge this information if required to do so by law or if there are serious reasons to think that storage or divulgence of this information is required to conform to a legal procedure.

  • The publishing director of the Hihome Website is the director of Hihome company Ltd, Mrs. Jean-Michel Petit. The Hihome Website is hosted and managed by Hihome company Ltd.

  • For any question relating to the Hihome Websites or Hihome Services you can contact us by the following means:

   • By email: [email protected]

  •  By telephone: +966 50 736 8814 (available Monday - Friday between 9am -5pm)
  • Reference to in these T&Cs to:


  1. A “person” or “corporation” includes a reference to all legal or natural persons, partnerships, trusts, companies, governments or local authority departments and other bodies and associations .(whether corporate or unincorporated)
  2. An individual includes where appropriate his personal representatives.
  3. The singular includes a reference to the plural and viceversa. 
  4. One gender includes each gender (feminine, masculine and neuter).

  • References to Hihome in the context of obligations or liabilities owed to Hihome or other benefits or assurances given to Hihome shall be deemed to include reference also to any company which is a subsidiary undertaking of Hihome (“subsidiary undertaking” having the meaning given to it in section 1162

    of the Companies Act 2006).

  • No failure or delay by Hihome to exercise any right or remedy under these T&Cs shall be construed as a waiver of that right or remedy nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy preclude the further exercise of that right or remedy.No waiver by Hihome of any breach of these T&Cs shall be considered as a waiver of a preceding or subsequent breach.The rights and remedies provided in these T&Cs are cumulative and are not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.
  • These T&Cs and the documents referred to in these T&Cs (as in each case updated from time to time) constitute the whole agreement between you and Hihome governing our relations and supersede all other agreements between you and Hihome prior to the date of these T&Cs, which shall cease to have any further effect.
  • If a provision of these T&Cs is held to be illegal or unenforceable, in whole or in part, under an enactment or rule of law, it shall to that extent be deemed not to form part of these T&Cs and the enforceability of the remainder of these T&Cs shall not be affected.
  • Hihome may communicate with you by sending an email to your registered email address. It need only adduce proof that the email was sent, and is not responsible for ensuring that you receive it.
  • It is not intended that a third party should have any right to enforce these T&Cs pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 other than that Hihome (being the wider group definition in accordance with clause 11.7) may rely on and enforce these T&Cs as if (in each case) named in these T&Cs in place of Hihome.
  • These T&Cs shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Saudi Arabian law and Hihome and you each agree to submit any dispute, including disputes relating to any non-contractual obligations, which may arise out of, under, or in connection with this agreement to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Saudi Arabian courts.



Hihome Terms and Conditions

  • Last Updated : 8 Dec 2021
  • Thank you for using Hihome.

Terms and Conditions (specific to travel and tourism companies and/or similar activities and businesses)

1. Other travel and tourism companies and/or similar entities are not permitted, while utilizing platform services, to utilize the data of experience owners for their own gain or to engage in contracts with experience owners outside the platform, either during or after the completion of the experience.

2. All transactions and bookings with experience owners must be conducted exclusively through the platform.

3. All interactions between travel and tourism companies and/or similar entities and the platform must be conducted with honesty and integrity.

4. If any part of this clause or other terms and conditions is violated, travel and tourism companies and similar businesses will be solely responsible.